By Terrie Marie
The Heart is the center of your emotional energy body. Emotions are the central core of all that resides and radiates outward from within. It is said emotions control our every thought, action and reaction. There is much truth for there is very little that is not filled with the emotion of love or fear.
Green, a combination of yellow and blue, is the center, the heart of the Rainbow. Green light bridges both the physical and Spiritual realms symbolizing balance, healing, nurturing, growth, prosperity and abundance.
Lillianna, Angel of the Green Ray, gifts you with heartfelt compassion, love and acceptance, unconditionally. There is only Love. There is only Divine Light. Step into the light of loving forgiveness, shed all pain and sorrow. Open your heart to your true essence, your true sense of Self.
Most often, the Heart Chaka resonates with the color green. The focal point of your energy centers symbolizes harmony, love, compassion, balance, growth and nurturing yourself and others. The Heart is also the center of forgiveness and loving kindness. It is through love that healing truly begins. Remember, beloved Child of Light to also forgive you as you heal from all that is now behind you.
Crystals associated with Angel Lillianna are Green Tourmaline and Malachite. There are many shades of green to delight the eye which enhance healing your emotional energy body.
Green Tourmaline is a healing stone not to be taken lightly. Not only does it resonate with the energy center of the Heart, it also resonates with and assists in aligning your entire physical Be-ing. It is capable of balancing all of you Chakra?s simultaneously. This is a very powerful, vibrant stone, to be respected and worked with gradually so as not to over-stimulate your physical body. Spiritual Properties: resonating with the most subtle of Spiritual Expansion at a very deep, profound level of understanding and healing. Green Tourmaline is a very powerful healer, allowing you to reach through the veil of forgetfulness, enabling the user to retrieve health and emotional stability, regaining strength and vitality naturally.
Malachite is another powerful healing stone. It is dense and magical, calming and soothing frayed nerves, bringing a sense of harmony to the Heart Center as you move through the healing process on many levels simultaneously. It is a stone for manifesting wealth, prosperity and great abundance. If you are experiencing a lack of self-wroth, Malachite will assist you in healing the chasm of having absorbed and accepted the sense of self-worth others have projected upon you.
A Message from Lillianna
Beloved child of Divine Love and compassion, do not be distressed as you go about your day healing from days long since past. As you become more aware of your true Self, your true essence of light and love, know you are not alone in you in journey. Know you are supported in Spirit and on physical form for there are many who support and love you unconditionally without imposing their will upon you. You are love in all its purest form. You are love expressed without fear of reprisal. You are love expressed in a smile, a kind gesture, a word of comfort, a moment of silence. You are whole, complete and perfect. You are love.
Call upon Lillianna to assist you in all you do. Come from love and love shall come to you. Come from loving kindness and you shall be shown the same. Do not look for love, allow love to come to you attracting to you all you desire in your life and more.
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