Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Great Tribulation: a RP based on...the Bible?

This is an ambitious project, but I'm starting a RP based on the book of Revelations from the Bible!

If you don't know about Revelations, and are not a Christian, you can still join in the fun. Basically it's set in an apocalyptic time period with supernatural qualities. You can role-play as a human, angel, demon, or even play the roles of the Anti-christ or Satan. The demons are bent on keeping their human victims in bondage to sin, and can physically torment them in the End Times, where demonic activity is most prevalent. The angels will keep record of their human's activities and answer the prayers of the saints when God wills them to. There will be many uncontrollable events and tribulations upon the earth that the people must overcome.

Jesus has taken his saints up to heaven, leaving behind millions who do not yet believe or follow Him. Even many believers, who live sinful lifestyles are left behind. Great judgment will come upon the planet, where the seas will turn to blood and the sun will darken, among many things.

Not to mention, the biggest obstacle is the persecutions. The Anti-Christ, controlled by Satan, will force the inhabitants of all the nations to take the 666 mark, or suffer torment and likely death by guillotine. But the catch is this: those who take the mark will live comfortable lives but suffer in the lake of fire eternally. God has the solution to this problem. Those who become true-believers during the tribulation and are baptized by the Holy Spirit are given an invisible mark, only visible to other true believers, that is in the shape of a cross, promising admission to heaven upon death. However, this mark is only granted by God, and only when He truly "knows" you.

But the skeptism of the people is great, and many are hindered by the work of demons, who tell them words contrary to the truth of God. Many are mired in the traps of witchcraft, sorcery, addictions, and other types of bondages. Some are even given power by demons, and are actively trying to prevent people from coming to God.

What do you think? Anyone is free to join. The more the merrier.

Here is the link: roleplay/the-great-tribulation


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