Debbie Fay
of us again in the stock market ?Mr. Rooms Wild Ride ?(although one was really enough, almost all of us, I think). What?s the next thing is for sure? Any opportunity to promote yourself, your product or service is an opportunity not to be missed. Now, more than ever, there is no room for lackluster, hiking, confusing presentations. Only a compelling, concise, clear communication can the results we seek. So, how do we ensure that each presentation of the home run, three pointer, Slam Dunk, standing O? Turn your attention
180 ?
First, start the audience in mind. Get into the audience instead. Turn your attention to 180 degrees. Who is it? Why is it coming to hear him speak? How much do they know the topic How much do they care? Why is your topic important to them? (If not, you should start doing is important for them.) If it is a business presentation, these questions are essential, along with this?. What is the problem, fear, or desire that your product or service solve, alleviate, or will become a reality picture of these things before you write one idea or a picture of one of these things in mind to be built in presentation.
watch your language:Are you an expert in your field. You know, all the inputs and outputs of your product or service and all the jargon, acronyms and initials that go with it. Well, now the band reports on all of these things. Why? Well, if you?re talking about the Convention on people like you, your audience does not know any jargon, nouns. (And adults do not raise your hand and ask, just start surfing the iPhone and Blackberries.) Worse is that you feel stupid, or at least lost, neither of which is a warm feeling. is not felt to be such a person is suffering from this affection. (S). Permanent plain old English. Slide Show for 11 years, or perhaps 111 years old when we realize that you are in good shape, if the expression is essential to use, be sure to define clearly the analogy is always a nice analogy to start ? ?It?s like ??
Yes, and if one of your eight syllable words, sector-specific slips, just define it once and move on. If a short trip from the mouth before you get to stay a spell, and move on. One of the two rule of Honor Magic:Well, it?s really just the rule of threes. But I will say that magic is simply a thought that we had to organize my thoughts for three .. Goldilocks and the three bears, three strikes and you are, stop, yield, and to Think for a moment or three, and you just have to give examples of their own. Why is this important? If you hold a presentation of three big buckets, three main points, and tells the audience how to label the buckets are going to have way to organize what you are saying in their minds. You are making it easier to follow and keep doing what you said, long after the show is over. Again, you?re helping them succeed to listen. How successful people feel? damn good. And you love to help them feel that way.
PRACTICE.OUT.LOUDdoes.not.count head. I recently worked for a super bright guy who would put all its forces from the brain to create presentations. In his opinion aloud for the first time a couple of minutes he stopped and said: ?I?m sorry. It sounded much better when I got in over my head.? I just smiled sympathetically. Always fit the head. And there are few things more frightening than facing a group of real live people and hearing the words come out of your mouth for the first time. You need to practice out loud. a lot. And be warned, this is the first time after a very bumpy. You are the main points of transitions, and the introduction of the final installment in the body, and conclusion. You can come to a stop after a few minutes deflated annoying. It?s okay, it?s expected. Pat on the back is the fact that the privacy of their offices, and not real live people. Fix what does not work out and practice again. And again.
Give them a little sugarI?ma big fan of carrot, stick disliker. Make sure that your audience a clear picture of the good things in a big and beautiful, which can be enjoyed thanks to your product or service. ideal if you have five of them. Why not three? Well, you might think that all the way benefits are the best thing since pockets, but most viewers will choose three. Be sure to tell them about the benefits of what he was doing for them, not how it works. And no matter what, not all the gadgets and doodads and thingamabobs. Just m?am benefits (or Sir).
following five directives, despite the stock market goes, you and your product or service in a positive direction, full steam ahead to his client or to go to a potential audience of ?em !>DSCF8617
Debbie Fay is the founder of Presentation solutions, LLC, a public speaking training, presentation development company. Debbie helps people of all ages and professions to design and presentations, which are heard and get results. Further information can be obtained at:. or contact Debbie at
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